Do you want Rategenie to generate rates for your Hostex listings? With the Hostex integration, your Hostex listings will automatically imported into Rategenie, and have rates synced with them.
1. To start off, click the "Connect" button for the Hostex integration.
2. Next, enter your email and password used to sign into your Hostex account, and then click the Sign in button.
3. You can now see the active Hostex connection. Next, click on the Listings button.
4. Your Hostex properties will appear in the list. Toggle the "Status" switch to sync the property with Rategenie.
5. Next up, click on Rentals in the sidebar menu.
6. On the Rentals page, toggle the "Rental Sync" switch to activate this rental with Rategenie.
7. After that, click on Listings in the sidebar menu.
8. On the Listings page, you will see your Hostex listing. Toggele the "Account PMS Sync" switch to allow your Rategenie rates to sync with Hostex.
9. After that, toggle the Sync switch on the listing.
10. Next, click Rates in the sidebar menu.
11. Next, toggle the account level "Sync" switch on, to allow new rates to push to your connected listings.
12. In the Rates calendar, click on the rental to open the rental rates overlay.
13. Next, click on "Strategy" in the right sidebar menu.
14. Click the "Add Strategy" button to select a rate strategy for the rental.
15. Select your strategy from the dropdown list, and click the "Save" button.
16. Finally, click "Rates Calendar" in the right sidebar menu, to view the rates generated for the rental.
17. Review the rates generated, and make any desired changes to your rates strategy and rules, in order to modify your rates.
18. Sign into your Hostex account to review the rates that have been synced with your listings.
As always, please contact us with questions any time. We're happy to help.