Booking Restriction Rule

How do I automatically apply Booking restrictions for listings through Rategenie?

Do you have any listings in your account, for which you would like to apply min and max advance time restrictions for a certain period before a guest can book your property? You can achieve this functionality through Rategenie Booking Restriction rule.

Go to your strategies page and click on one of your desire strategy to open the detail view.

  1. From the strategies detail page, click the New button to add a new rule.
  2. Select Booking Restrictions Rule from the dropdown list, to add the time based restrictions to a booking for your strategy.
  3. Select the date range for which you want these restrictions to be applied.
  4. Select the minimum time before which you want guests to book your rental in advance. In the example below we have set 2 in ‘minimum advance booking days’ and ‘5 in minimum advance booking hours’ and the selected date range is July 06, 2023 to July 31, 2023. This means if User wants to book for 6th July, he cannot do the booking after 7 pm on 29th July, or you can say he cannot do a booking on July 30,2023.
  5. Set the maximum time after which you want guests to book your rental in advance in max advance booking fields. In the example below we have set 10 in ‘maximum advance booking days’ and ‘5 in maximum advance booking hours’. This means for selected dates a guest cannot book before 10 days and 3 hours in advance. The value in these fields must be greater than the ones defined in minimum advance booking fields.
  6. Min Stay Arrival defines the minimum number of days for which guests can book the rental linked to this strategy during the defined date range. As 2 is set in example, that means during the selected date range a user must book the rental for at least 2 days.
  7. Max Stay Arrival defines the maximum number of days for which guests can book the rental linked to this strategy during the defined date range. As 5 is set in example, that means during the selected date range a user can book the rental for a maximum 5 days.
  8. Click on the Save button to save the Rule.
  9. The Rule can be added for different date ranges. Just click on the Add new Item button to do that.
  10. On the Rates calendar, you can select any date within the defined date range and see the settings are shown there.


Booking restriction rule is currently applicable to channel listings only.

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