Hold Events Overview

Rategenie allows you to not only manage your rates, but you can also manage your calendar availability as well. With hold events, you can not manually modify the occupancy for any rental that you are managing rates for.

Hold Events Page

The hold events page allows you to create new hold events, edit existing hold events, as well as export the list of hold events.

  1. Click the Add Hold button

    Click the Add Hold button to open the Add Hold Event modal. The modal contains five required fields for the hold event title, the event status, the start and end dates, as well as the assigned rental. Fill in these fields with the required information.
    The expiration and roll forward fields allow you to set additional conditions on the hold event. The expiration date will be the date when the hold event is automatically removed from the calendar. The roll forward checkbox allows the hold event start and end dates to advance by one day each day. This allows the hold event to always block the same number of days from the current day.

  2. Click the Export button

    Click the Export button to open the Download Hold Events to CSV modal. The modal contains one required field for the CSV file name. Enter the name that you want the file to be, and then select and of the different columns that you wish to have included in the CSV file. These columns represent the different fields entered into the hold event when it was created.

  3. Edit an existing hold event

    Click on a hold event in the table to open the hold event details for editing. This will open the Edit Hold Event modal. You can edit any of the settings, and then click save for the changes to take effect.
As always, please contact us with questions any time. We're happy to help.

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